Constitutional Axiology as a Fundamental Principle for the Formation and Development of Natural Resource Legislation
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Constitutional Axiology as a Fundamental Principle for the Formation and Development of Natural Resource Legislation
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Natalia Averyanova 
Occupation: Professor
Saratov State University
Saratov State Law Academy
Address: Saratov, Russia

The provision of the Constitution of Russia (Part 1 of Article 9) established that land and other natural resources are used and protected as the basis of life and activity of the peoples living in the respective territories. This constitutional provision should be analyzed not only from a formal legal point of view, but primarily based on the theoretical and methodological basis of constitutional axiology. This approach made it possible to determine the fundamental nature and value of this constitutional norm for the development of land and natural resource relations.

The purpose of the study is to determine the constitutional and legal content, potential and significance of the constitutional provision on land and other natural resources for the formation and development of sectoral legislation. In this regard, the tasks are set to analyze the axiological essence of the constitutional provision under consideration, to determine the theoretical content and practical implementation of the revealed constitutional right of peoples to land and other natural resources.

In the course of the research, the methods of formal logic were used: description, comparison, classification, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. Special methods of scientific cognition were also used, such as system-functional, formal-legal, etc.

As a result of the axiological interpretation of Part 1 of Article 9 of the Constitution, the constitutional right of peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation to land and other natural resources has been revealed, its constitutional and legal significance as a phenomenon expressing axiological constitutional goal-setting and being a means of constitutional norm control in this sphere of public relations has been determined. In terms of content, this constitutional right is complex, since its implementation is collectively ensured by a system of other constitutional rights related to the use and protection of land and other natural resources: political, economic, environmental, social.

land, natural resources, constitutional axiology, constitutional rights, people
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Additional sources and materials

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12. Baglay M. V. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation. 14th ed. Moscow, 2023. 704 p. (In Russ. ) 
13. Averyanova N. N. Constitutional Legal Personality of the “People” as the Owner of the Title to Land. Journal of Russian Law, 2017, no. 4, pp. 38—44. (In Russ. ) 
14. Komarova V. V. Protection of Citizens' Health as the Main Element of Ensuring the Right to Life and Specifics of its Implementation in Emergencies. Aktual'nye problemy rossiyskogo prava, 2022, no. 10, pp. 15—23. (In Russ. ) 
15. Zabralova O. S. A Social Welfare State: A Concept, Essence and Types. Actual Problems of Russian Law, 2022, no. 6, pp. 21—31. (In Russ. ) 
16. Torko Ya. O. Constitutional legal status of land in Russia: “basis of life and activity” or “property”? Konstitutsionnoe i munitsipal'noe pravo, 2010, no. 8, pp. 31—35. (In Russ. ) 
17. Vasilieva M. I. Right of Citizens to Access to Natural Resources (Problems of Implementation). Journal of Russian Law, 2012, no. 8, pp. 40—49. (In Russ. )


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