The Mysteries of Legal Influence on Processes in the World Around
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The Mysteries of Legal Influence on Processes in the World Around
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Yuri A. Tikhomirov 
Occupation: Deputy Head of the Center of Public Law Studies
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article is devoted to the analysis of regulation and management as mechanisms of cognition. The problematic aspects of decision-making related to the underestimation of the increased role of interaction of traditional legal regulators with the norms of ethics, morality, religion and technological standards, the complex dynamics of social structures, the correlation of decisions at different levels of government are revealed.

The evolutionary theories of development and the method of extrapolation in law are critically comprehended. The influence of political factors on the regulation of social processes is indicated. Special attention is paid to the analysis of international legal decisions, their specificity at the present stage of history is shown, and in particular, the phenomenon of regionalization of the procedure for making and implementing international decisions under the pressure of national economic interests of individual countries is considered.

The importance of legal science for overcoming these problems is emphasized and the corresponding vectors of the development of legal thought are formulated. As an independent direction for the development of balanced decisions and targeted legal impact, legal forecasting is considered, which makes it possible to strengthen variable thinking, select regulatory options, assessing their consequences. As an integral part of it, it is proposed to develop such a scientific direction as riskology, which is close in essence to legal conflictology.

The problems of decision-making and the effectiveness of legal influence are revealed using the characteristics of a legal person, which assumes, firstly, a correct understanding of the role of law in the state and society, secondly, his justified legitimate decisions and actions, and thirdly, an objective legal assessment of his actions and their consequences. The importance of continuing to develop the subject of legal awareness is shown.

The integrated approach proposed by the author will allow us to build a sequence of possible actions and avoid functional errors that reduce the potential of legal decisions.

decision theory, legal impact, anticipatory impact, legal person, legal awareness, legal forecasting, legal risks and consequences, legal “Periodic Table”, vectors of legal thought
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Additional sources and materials

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5. Tereshchenko L. K. (ed. ). Prava cheloveka v informatsionnoy sfere v usloviyakh tsifrovizatsii. Moscow, 2023. 
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8. Tikhomirov Yu. A. (ed. ). Legal Management in Crisis Situations. Moscow, 2022. 280 p. (In Russ. ) 
9. Postnikov A. E. (ed. ). The legal status of a person and a citizen in a changing world. Moscow, 2023. 248 p. (In Russ. ) 
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14. Tikhomirov Yu. A. Law: A Moment of Stillness or Anticipatory Impact on Social Processes. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 4, pp. 5—16. (In Russ. ) DOI: 10. 12737/jrl. 2020. 038. 
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17. Tikhomirov Yu. A. Upravlencheskie resheniya. Moscow, 1971. 
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19. Khabrieva T. Y. Administrativnaya reforma: problemy i resheniya. In: Naryshkin S. E., Khabrieva T. Y. (eds). Administrativnaya reforma v Rossii. Moscow, 2006. 
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22. Tikhomirov Yu. A. (ed. ). Effektivnost' zakona (Metodologiya i konkretnye issledovaniya). Moscow, 1997.


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