The Impact of the Judicial Practice Analysis on the Improvement of the Institution of an Authorized Economic Operator
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The Impact of the Judicial Practice Analysis on the Improvement of the Institution of an Authorized Economic Operator
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Marina Niyazova 
Occupation: Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law Disciplines
Affiliation: Vladivostok State University
Address: Vladivostok, Russia

The development of Russian the Institute of Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) within of increased uncertainty and structural transformation of the economy is a counter-sanction tool for supporting participants in foreign economic activity, reducing their non-production costs. One of the main issues faced by the customs developing the national institute of AEO is the assessment of the applicant for compliance with the conditions of inclusion (exclusion) in the AEO register. The list of basic conditions bases usually on the SAFE Framework, the Integrated Supply Chain Management Guide, and national and international supply chain safety standards, and contains in the legislation of the country. However, it is often not sufficient and requires the use of additional criteria for assigning (depriving) the status of an AEO. The article devotes to the development of the AEO institute and proposes the use of the potential for analyzing judicial practice of arbitration court in the assessment of AEO applicants as one of the ways to improve the Institute.

The author uses general theoretical, economic and static, formal legal methods, methods of system research and of analyzing law enforcement practice.

The paper shows that the information received from judicial review is matter for making decisions for inclusion in the register of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and developing additional criteria for assessment of applicants. This conclusion is based on the analysis of judicial practice of arbitration court in 2018—2021 related to the assignment of the status of an AEO to applicants, and economic judicial practice involving AEO. The result of the AEO' quantitative analysis identifies four main groups of activity in the arbitration court by the total number of disputes, the plaintiff and the defendant, and their ratio. Qualitative analysis reveals disputes arising from administrative legal relations with the participation of tax and customs, and clarifies the AEO grouping on damage to the state.

The obtained results expand the understanding of AEO in terms of geographical composition and activity in the arbitration court, and contribute to the stability of the institute in conditions of sanction pressure as a part of Russian customs law system.

register of authorized economic operators, inclusion conditions, evaluation criteria, customs authorities, plaintiff, defendant, dispute, analysis of law enforcement practice
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Additional sources and materials

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