Public-Law Entity Reputation and Possibility of Its Unfair Deformation
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Public-Law Entity Reputation and Possibility of Its Unfair Deformation
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Natalya Parygina 
Occupation: Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law
Affiliation: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Address: Omsk, Russia

Intangible benefits that are directly related to the assessment of their owner are traditionally considered in civil studies as objects of the rights of citizens and organizations. The Russian Civil Code does not contain direct references to other carriers of relevant non-property values. Meanwhile, the formation in the public consciousness of the image of public-law entities (states, subjects of the federation, municipalities) inevitably raises the question of the existence of such entities of a special intangible good, not mentioned in paragraph 1 of Article 150 of the Russian Civil Code. The situation of uncertainty in this area appears undesirable and dangerous in the context of mass information attacks, the spread of deliberately false information as a means of harsh unfair confrontation on a global stage.

The purpose of this study is to clarify the issue of belonging of image intangible benefits to public-law entities with the identification of the most optimal way to establish the appropriate legal and doctrinal clarity. Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks: delineating the intangible good of public legal entities from the honor, dignity and business reputation known to the legislator and legal science, confirming or refuting the autonomous status of this good; clarification of the specifics of the activities (and hence the civil legal capacity) of public legal entities; selection of the most capacious term for the designation of the intangible good of public legal entities and the formulation of its definition.

Research methods: methods of dialectical materialism, formal logic, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, as well as system-structural and technical-legal approaches.

The author comes to conclusion that public-law entity has a unique intangible benefit, consisting in a public assessment of any of its characteristics and manifestations of activity formed both within the entity itself and beyond. To designate this legal phenomenon, it is proposed to introduce the category “reputation” (without the clarifying adjective “business”) into the law and doctrine.

state, federal subject, municipal formation, public-law entity, honour, dignity, business reputation, reputation, non-material values, defamation
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Additional sources and materials

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