Effectiveness of Legal Regulation in the Field of Ensuring Employment and Social Protection of the Unemployed in the Russian Federation
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Effectiveness of Legal Regulation in the Field of Ensuring Employment and Social Protection of the Unemployed in the Russian Federation
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Tatyana Guseva 
Occupation: Professor at the Department of Civil Law
Affiliation: North-West Branch, Russian State University of Justice
Address: St. Peterburg, Russia
Julia Klepalova
Occupation: Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law
Affiliation: North-West Branch, Russian State University of Justice
Address: St. Peterburg, Russia

Solving the problems of ensuring employment of the population is an important task of the state socio-economic policy. The tension of the situation on the labor market, the public demand for increased social protection of the unemployed necessitates the study of the effectiveness of legal regulation of employment.

The purpose of the study is to study the effectiveness of legal regulation of relations in the field of employment promotion in Russian Federation. The objectives of the study are indicated: identification of approaches to understanding efficiency in legal science; study of employment legislation based on a normative approach, identification of the goals of legal regulation and assessment of the effectiveness of their achievement; taking into account the sociological approach, assessment of the level of consistency in the legal regulation of employment of the interests of labor market participants.

The methodological basis of the study was made up of general scientific (dialectical, logical, systematic, analysis and synthesis) and special (comparative legal and formal legal) methods.

The chosen approach to assessing the effectiveness allowed us to identify the main goals of legal regulation of employment — promoting the realization of citizensʼ rights to full, productive and freely chosen employment and social protection from unemployment and to determine whether they are achieved within the existing mechanisms of legal regulation. It is revealed that the reasons for the inefficient operation of the norms, the failure to achieve the goals for which they were introduced, are due to the lack of coordinated interests of labor market participants. Proposals have been developed to improve federal and regional employment legislation.

efficiency of legal regulation, legal understanding, employment, unemployment, quotas, social protection
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Additional sources and materials

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