Financial-Legal Regulation in Emergency Situations: General-Legal and Branch Law Dilemmas
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Financial-Legal Regulation in Emergency Situations: General-Legal and Branch Law Dilemmas
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Natalia Omelekhina 
Occupation: Deputy Director for Scientific Work
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

For modern Russian law as a whole and financial law as its branch structure, legal studies of the formation of legal regulation regimes in conditions of extraordinary, unforeseen, unpredictable development of events and relations are of particular relevance. In this regard, the purpose of the article was to study the prospects for the formation of special financial and legal regimes in emergencies in various spheres of public relations, as well as in the financial sphere itself.

In the course of the work, formal-logical, concrete-historical, structural-functional and other methods were used; general legal approaches to understanding emergency situations and the formation of special legal regimes in this regard were analyzed.

Conclusion: The systematization of emergency situations for the purposes of financial-legal regulation, differentiation of financial-legal regimes into ordinary, preventive, and emergency as modifications of the general-legal regime of financial law, the special purpose of the introduction of which is to stabilize the financial system of the state, ensuring its stability by preventing, suppressing emergencies that have arisen in the financial sphere, and elimination of their consequences through the temporary establishment of additional restrictions and (or) advantages for subjects of financial relations, introduced if there are grounds and in accordance with the procedure provided for in the legislation. The features of financial-legal regulation in emergency situations are considered.

emergency situation, special legal regime, financial and legal regulation, financial and legal regime, financial security, financial stability
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Additional sources and materials

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