International Legal Aspects of Disarmament in the Context of the League of Nations’ Activities
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International Legal Aspects of Disarmament in the Context of the League of Nations’ Activities
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Olga Ilinskaya 
Occupation: Associate Professor at the Department of International Law
Affiliation: Kutafin Moscow State Law University
Address: Moscow, Russia

Since ancient times, disarmament has been considered as a prerequisite for getting rid of the threat of wars. At the turn of the 19th—20th centuries, as the arms race intensified, the idea of disarmament gained popularity in the legal literature, but it is impossible to talk about the effective implementation of this idea: until the First World War, disarmament issues were not an urgent task of international politics. The first serious attempt to develop legal obligations on disarmament at the universal level was made during the campaign for the creation of the League of Nations. The Charter of this organization, which consolidated the idea of collective security of all peace-loving States, reflected the awareness of a direct link between the policy of armament and the emergence of wars.

The purpose of the article is to analyze international acts adopted by the League of Nations, which address the issue of disarmament as one of the measures to maintain peace and security, in order to identify the role of this organization in the formation of the international legal foundations of the universal system of collective security in the first half of the 20th century.

Methods of scientific research: historical-legal, systemic, functional, formal-legal analysis.

Conclusion: the idea of adopting disarmament measures at the universal level, which has been developing for many centuries, was legally consolidated only with the signing of the Charter of the League of Nations, Article 8 of which allows us to talk about the first attempt to institutionalize international relations in the field of disarmament; the approach enshrined in international acts adopted by the League of Nations, according to which priority over other obligations to maintain international security was used obligations on disarmament, has not gained the support of States due to the lack of a concept of universal peace acceptable to all States; Despite the fact that it was not possible to adopt a universal disarmament treaty, the treaty practice of the period under review indicates that States often made attempts to implement the legal installation enshrined in the Charter of the League of Nations on the need to reduce armaments.

League of Nations, disarmament, arms limitation, international peace and security, cooperation in the field of disarmament, international law
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Additional sources and materials

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