More on the Continuing Ambiguity in Understanding the Term “Special Economic Zone” under Russian Law
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More on the Continuing Ambiguity in Understanding the Term “Special Economic Zone” under Russian Law
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Ilya Tyurin 
Occupation: Postgraduate Student, Department of Legal Basis for Economic Activity
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The legal institution of special economic zones established in the Russian Federation is of scientific interest due, on the one hand, to their continuing importance for achieving uniform and stable economic development of most territories within the country, and, on the other hand, to a consistent and correct understanding of the universal model of their organizational and legal structure.

The purpose of the study is to describe and critically evaluate existing approaches to the definition of Russian special economic zones from a legal point of view in all their diversity. Research objectives: to present the historically formed source base of legal regulation of the institute of special economic zones in Russia; to study the views existing in Russian science on the legal nature of special economic zones; to give a comparative description of the main elements of the definition of the concept of “special economic zone”, enshrined in the current federal legislation; to understand the current rules of the territorial and spatial formation of special economic zones according to Russian legal norms; to draw a conclusion about the degree of development of a universal legislative approach to understanding the theoretical and legal essence of special economic zones in the Russian Federation.

Research methods: synthesis, analysis, deduction, induction, historical and comparative legal methods.

Research results and conclusions: currently, the legislator shows an unjustifiably differentiated approach to understanding the elements of the legal status of special economic zones, which leads to ambiguity in their interpretation. Domestic science also did not come to a single point of view on the designated issue. There are still some difficulties in the perception of legal guarantees for the implementation in practice of certain features of special economic zones, especially with regard to the obligation of their preferential nature and their permissible spatial and territorial limits.

special economic zones, special legal regime, benefits and preferences, legal definition, entrepreneurial activity, economic activity, customs procedure of the free customs zone, Eurasian Economic Union, Government of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities
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Additional sources and materials

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