Professor Serafim V. Yushkov as the Founder of the Science of the History of State and Law
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Professor Serafim V. Yushkov as the Founder of the Science of the History of State and Law
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Dmitry Pashentsev 
Occupation: Chief Researcher, Department of Theory of Law and Interdisciplinary Studies of Legislation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia
Maksim Zaloilo
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Department of Theory of Law and Interdisciplinary Studies of Legislation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article is devoted to the scientific work of Serafim V. Yushkov, the founder of the science of the history of state and law. Based on the study of documents from the archival fund of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, the path of the scientist in life and science, his contribution to the study of the history of the ancient Russian state and law, source work on the study and publication of monuments of domestic law, including the Russkaya Pravda, the creation of a training course on the history of state and law are consistently revealed. Special attention is paid to the influence of the works of S. V. Yushkov on the formation of the history of the state and law of foreign countries. It is emphasized that it was through the efforts of S. V. Yushkov that the prevailing ideas about the subject and method of historical and legal science, the periodization of the history of the national state and law, and the research space characteristic of it were formed. The information on the criticism of S. V. Yushkov's works by other scientists of his time, on the discussion of these works at the meetings of the Academic Council of the All-Union Institute of Legal Sciences are given.

The authors came to conclusion that through the efforts of S. V. Yushkov domestic scientists received for further research a thoroughly elaborated publication from a scientific standpoint of the fundamental monuments of ancient Russian law. The scientist's work significantly influenced further research in the field of the history of state and law, not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. Thanks to the students of S. V. Yushkov, who continued his work, an advanced historical and legal science was formed, and today it successfully performs its most important functions.

Serafim V. Yushkov, history of state and law, historical and legal science, state and law of foreign countries, source of law, Russkaya Pravda
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Additional sources and materials

1. Lafitskiy V. I., Zaloilo M. V. S. V. Yushkov and Historical and Law School. Journal of Russian Law, 2015, no. 9, pp. 121—131. (In Russ. ) DOI: 10. 12737/13044. 
2. Shtamm S. I. Serafim Vladimirovich Yushkov (1888—1952). Izvestiya vuzov. Pravovedenie, 1988, no. 1. (In Russ. ) 
3. Yashchuk T. F. Milestones in the development of the Russian state and law history as a science and educational discipline in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. In: Dorskaya A. A., Pashentsev D. A. (eds. ). Historical and legal science in the conditions of modern social transformations: a collection of scientific articles on the results of the All-Russian Forum of Legal Historians, St. Petersburg, June 10—11, 2022. Saratov, 2022. Pp. 74—87. (In Russ. ). 
4. Yushkov S. V. On the question of a pre-feudal (“barbaric”) state. Uchenye trudy VIYuN. Iss. X. Moscow, 1947. Pp. 37—87. (In Russ. ). 
5. Yushkov S. V. The development of the Russian state in connection with its struggle for independence (before the XIX century). Uchenye trudy VIYuN. Iss. VIII. Moscow, 1946. Pp. 126— 152. (In Russ. ). 
6. Yushkov S. V. Osnovnye momenty istorii russkogo gosudarstva do serediny XIX veka. Nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya 20-letiyu sushchestvovaniya Vsesoyuznogo instituta yuridicheskikh nauk (1925—1945). Tezisy dokladov. Moscow, 1946. 
7. Yushkov S. V. Obshchestvenno-politicheskiy stroy i pravo Kievskogo gosudarstva. Moscow, 1949. 
8. Kleandrova V. M., Chistyakov O. I. Serafim Vladimirovich Yushkov and his Russian Truth. In: Yushkov S. V. Russian Truth. Moscow, 2002. (In Russ. ) 
9. Kostryukov P. A. S. V. Yushkov o drevnerusskikh pamyatnikakh prava. Vestnik Akademii ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti MVD Rossii, 2009, no. 1. 
10. Yushkov S. V. History of the state and law of the USSR. Part I. Moscow, 1940. 596 p. (In Russ. ). 
11. Chistyakov O. I. (ed. ) Istoriya otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava. Part I. Moscow, 1999. 
12. Krivenkiy A. I. The formation of the concept of the history of the state and law of Russia (on the example of the works of Professor S. V. Yushkov). Part 1. Moscow, 2012. 268 p. (In Russ. ) 
13. Yushkov S. V. On the methodology of the history of law. Zapiski nauchnogo obshchestva marksistov, 1928, no. 1, pp. 115—122. (In Russ. ). 
14. Chernilovskiy Z. M. Vozniknovenie rannefeodal'nogo gosudarstva u pribaltiyskikh slavyan. Moscow, 1959. 
15. Dyussebayev N. S. V. Yushkov and controversies over the essence of feudal relations in the Kazakh nomadic society. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Istoriya, 2015, no. 1, pp. 93—101. (In Russ. ) 
16. Yushkov S. V. K voprosu o feodal'noy sobstvennosti v dosovetskom Kazakhstane. Vestnik Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, 1951, no. 9(78), pp. 59—69. 
17. Yushkov S. V. Osnovnye voprosy istorii kazakhskogo gosudarstva. Izvestiya Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, iss. 3, 1951, no. 102, pp. 77—90. 
18. Chernilovskiy Z. M. (ed. ) History of the state and law of foreign countries. Vol. 1, 2. Moscow, 1949, 1951. (In Russ. ) 
19. Galanza P. N., Chernilovskiy Z. M. (eds. ) History of the state and law of foreign countries. Vol. 3. Moscow, 1961. (In Russ. ) 
20. Zaloilo M. V., Pashentsev D. A. The 1950 Discussion about the “Russkaya Pravda” by S. V. Yushkov (to the 135th Anniversary of the Scientist's Birth). Istoriya, 2023, vol. 14, no. 4(126). (In Russ. ) DOI: 10. 18254/S207987840024815-5.
 21. Khabrieva T. Y. (ed. ). Chronicle of Russian Legal Science. Vol. III. Moscow, 2023. 304 p. (In Russ. )


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